
Zero Emission Marine attended Meriverkostot event in Naantali

For the fifth time already, Meriverkostot event gathered a large group of maritime operators to Naantali. Participants and exhibitors came to the event from all over Finland. Zero Emission Marine (ZEM) team attended the event as an exhibitor.

The day started with a seminar, where we got to hear interesting presentations from experts, focusing on the future of maritime. The exhibition took place in the afternoon and participants got to network and get to know the exhibitors better.

We were glad to meet a lot of maritime operators and discuss with you about concrete project ideas but also about the future of marine industry and green transition. The event was a success, and it seems that ZEM is already quite well known in the field. Hopefully after this event we are even more familiar to Finnish maritime operators. Big thank you to the City of Naantali for the arrangements and Naantali Spa for the great premises!

Were you at the event and could you have a project idea that fits the ZEM roadmap? You can contact us anytime regarding project ideation by filling in this form or by sending an email to zem.ecosystem@wartsila.com.

You can meet Wärtsilä and the ZEM team at Maritime Day in Åland on 1 June. Hope to see you there!