
Zero Emission Marine’s Annual Seminar

It has been a great journey so far and soon it’s time to reflect what has happened in the Zero Emission Marine ecosystem during the past year and look forward to the future and strengthen the collaboration.

Zero Emission Marine’s first Annual Seminar will be held in Wärtsilä Sustainable Technology Hub (STH) on Thursday 17 November 2022 in Vaasa. The event will also be streamed and recorded. In the seminar we will present some of the highlights and learnings from the ecosystem programme so far, as well as give an opportunity for ecosystem members to pitch ideas for possible ZEM ecosystem projects.

Ecosystem members will receive a personal invitation and registration link to the event. Registration for the event is mandatory whether you are participating in Vaasa or following the event virtually. If you are new to ZEM ecosystem and would like to join the seminar, you can contact zem.ecosystem@wartsila.com.

See the preliminary agenda for the event below. Please note that some changes to the agenda might occur and those will be updated to this post.


11.00-11.45 Registration and refreshments – STH office reception

Live stream starts at 12.00

12.00 Welcome – Juha Kytölä, Wärtsilä
12.05 ZEM highlights – Kenneth Widell & Victoria Karlsson, Wärtsilä
12.15 Funded ecosystem projects
MASCOT, Pekka Pohjanne, VTT
Silent Engine, Maciej Mikulski, University of Vaasa
CASEMATE, Juho Könnö, University of Oulu
12.45 Business Finland – Tero Ijäs
13.00 Updates from the ZEM theme leaders
New technologies, Kaj Portin, Wärtsilä
Green fuels, Kenneth Widell, Wärtsilä
Optimised operations, Lauri Kovanen & Henrik Sandsund, Wärtsilä
Business models, Juho Nurmi, Wärtsilä
13.45 Coffee break
14.15 Guest speakers
Veturi: Outcomes of Competitive Edge, Jarkko Pellikka, Nokia
Energy Sampo: H-Flex-E, Hans-Alexander Öst, Vaasan Sähkö
14.40 Pitch for ecosystem project proposals
14.55 Closing of the seminar

Live stream ends at 15.00

15:00 Highlight tour in the Sustainable Technology Hub
15:45 Event in STH ends

Place: Hybrid event - Vaasa, Wärtsilä Sustainable Technology Hub & live stream Time: 17.11.2022